Once upon a time there was an Earth woman whose long, matted hair was reaching to the stars. She became well versed in the Earth’s medicines and even though her true home was in nature, she never stopped looking to the stars and listening to their guidance.
One day the guidance led her to a man from the stars, who lived on Earth but whose spirit remained in the space above. The moment they met they could never again be separated from one another. As they shared with each other they both realized that their hearts equally belonged to the stars and to the Earth and its medicine. Since they had connections both to the Earth and the Sky they decided to unite the wisdom of these two paths into one. From this union was created the House of Toloache, as a portal for the mission to unfold.
The Earth woman and the Star man realized that there are many more souls who are looking to bridge the earthly and celestial within themselves, so they decided to bring those souls together and share their vision with them.
They are now gathering a community of Star people on Earth, who are connected to their celestial origins and willing to become fully embodied, as the guardians and stewards of nature and the Earth. You are being invited to join this vision, and embody your mission as a guardian of the Sacred Earth Medicine in the House of Toloache.
This is the story of ININ and ELIAS, the founders of TOLOACHE.
Now you can make it a part of your life's story, by joining the TOLOACHE tribe.
House of Toloache was established at the Northern Gates of Europe, in the country of Latvia, and this is where the first tribe began to gather, more than 10 years ago. We are currently based in the mountains of Spain, and we travel worldwide wherever our work and message is needed.
Today our tribe consists of people from all over the world, who are dedicated to embody their spiritual mission and be of service to humanity and Earth.
We are a group of determined souls who walk in between two worlds. We are an expression of the spirit - in a body - on a mission. We listen to our innermost feelings and live a life dedicated to our values. Values that are respectful to all life and guided by the love that permeates this Creation.
We are guides to those who want to know themselves and discover the mysteries of life and their place within them. We are the bridgers of two worlds and heralds of the new cycle, a cycle of harmony and beauty for all. We are as you are, souls that have traveled a long way on the path of self-discovery and remembrance of their heritage.
TOLOACHE is a soul sanctuary for all those who are seeking to heal, spiritually evolve and discover the beauty of universal mysteries, in a way that is in harmony with all life. We facilitate natural healing for individuals and groups through Plant Medicine and Earth Ceremonies, Sacred Pilgrimages and spiritual guidance. We are dedicated to bridging the needs of humanity with the healing effects of nature and her medicine.
Word "TOLOACHE" is a Nahuatl (Aztec, indigenous to Mesoamerica) name for Angel’s Trumpet, a sacred healing plant from Amazonian Jungle. Angel’s Trumpet is one of the master Plants in Amazonian healing traditions of Shipibo and Quechua. ININ NINI, who is an initiated medicine woman of these traditions was guided by this beautiful Master Plant to name our soul sanctuary - TOLOACHE, with intention to bring the powerful healing and revelatory energy of its spirit into the essence of the work that we represent.
Word TOLOACHE means “to bow the head”. Toloache is sometimes called Indian Apple (or Moonflower), and is a part of a group of plants from the genus of Daturas - powerful healing plants honoured in many cultures and religions around the globe. We are also choosing this name for our sanctuaries to show our reverance to Mother Earth, celebrate her wisdom and beauty and to receive her blessing and protection so that our intention always stays pure and heart based.

All of us at Toloache are moved by the same vision - to make a positive change in the world, primarily by helping to raise human consciousness to another level of available potential. We have come together at this time, on the brink of inevitable changes for this planet, to assist all life in this rapid evolutionary process.
The time is now. The work is with every human heart and for the Mother Earth. Our cosmic heritage is opening up to us. We have a choice of how we want to walk on this planet, and how far from it we will expand. We are here to provide a support system for all those who choose to go beyond what was available and known until now. We have come to encourage and support You - the pioneers in individual, collective and planetary transformation of consciousness.
Our inner circle consists of people who are directly working with the House of Toloache,
and serving our Tribe during the ceremonies, courses and pilgrimages.

Plant Mystic, Medicine Woman and Soul Guide
ININ NINI is a mystic and medicine woman from the North who works as a Soul Guide and Healer. ININ is a well known voice who talks about the plant medicine, shamanism and mystical path of the Soul.
Her knowledge comes from deep learnings with one of the greatest cantadoras (storytellers) and Jung analysts of our times – Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes (author of the book “Women who run with the Wolves”). As well as from the Dream Work studies with her teacher Robert Moss and studies at the Mystic School, which gave her the initiation to guide souls on their Life Path through most important passages of their lives.
Her initiation as a shaman healer comes from Shipibo plant healing tradition in Amazon. In Europe she works with her T O L O A C H E tribe to bring healing and change in peoples hearts, minds and society.
You can connect with ININ through her books or online course Brinumskaista.
(photo by Lauma Kalnina)

Yogi and Spiritual Guide
Elias has has an extensive background in spiritual field, rooted in Nath yogic tradition. His passion is to explore ways and means to help human consciousness transcend the limitations of body and mind and become established in the flow of life force that connects all life in the Universe. His methods are of inner technology, yoga, meditation, mindfulness and sacred rituals of consecration.
Elias is a co-founder of the House of Toloache, currently teaching the Embodied Mission Mystery School, Facilitating Sacred Blessing Ceremonies, and Sacred Pilgrimages. He lives in Spain with his wife ININ and their family, and works and travels around the world.
You can connect with him through our free video content at the official YouTube Channel @VoiceOfToloache.

Meža Eva
Sacred Guardian of the Plant medicine, Sacred space holder
Meža Eva guards and holds the Sacred ceremonial space and assists medicine people and participants during Sacred Plant ceremonies. Her calm and beautiful presence, purity and strenght is helping to keep the space clear and safe.
Eva's work with the Sacred Plant medicine started ten years ago and life has provided the opportunity to integrate gained knowledge by living in a rural environment and providing abeautiful home for our sacred medicine work. She is continuing to learn and experience the power and wisdom of the Nature, going deeper and deeper, experiencing the great mysteries of Life and sharing her wisdom with others.

Sondra Zaļupe
Sacred Guardian of the Plant medicine, Sacred space holder
My path has always been through service and right now I am truly honored to be a holder of an amazingly beautiful space filled with love and compassion. A sacred space filled with people’s deepest intentions, questions, hopes, fears, prayers, as well as inexhaustible revelations and knowledge - ever new and at the same time as old as the first sprout on this earth. With the blessing, support and encouragement of the Plant-Teachers, I walk my way - I learn, discover, remember, create, do and share what the Plants, Nature, Mother of God and the Universe tell me. Gratitude to everyone who walks their Soul Path.
See you soon!
(photo by Aiga Rēdmane)

Diāna Kaja Bokša
Sacred Guardian of the Plant medicine, Sacred space holder
Taking small steps in the Sacred Plant medicine work for five years, I have deeply studied myself, plants, patients and medicine people. My work is to support people during the plant ceremonies. I am learning the truth and love through Teacher plants, dreams, rhythms of nature and the elements. I am doing that opening myself up layer by layer, lifting myself out of mud and falling more and more in love.
While participating in the Sacred Plant diet in Peru I felt a true calling, strength, support and permission to serve Plants as teachers and be in the service to the great Spirit. I have accepted and chosen it as my path. My work is to be in service and share with others what I have learned, seen, experienced. My path has just begun and I have decided to walk it with great responsibility, love and care.
(photo by Laura Šulmeistare)

Creator of the wild and natural food, Walker of the Plant Medicine Path
I, Uģis, have grown up and lived in the Latvian countryside in the middle of the forest - plants and herbs are my friends and teachers since the beginning of times. I have learned the power and secrets of the local and foreign plants and formed relationships and friendships with them. I am a holder of the shamanic drum and kepper of the Sacred local sauna medicine - pirts. One of my magical abilities is conjuring food.
I am learning to accept what is. I am who I am when I need to be what I need to be or what I want to be. A multidimensional being in a multifaceted avatar. A bather in the sauna, a cook in the kitchen, a listener and transmitter of the knowledge of the universe with shamanic drum. The eternal disciple of plants and nature.

Justīne Balgalve
Sacred Guardian of the Plant medicine, Sacred space holder
Justine has been devoted to the plant medicine path for 6 years now.
She faithfully walked with the sacred healing plants in the Ceremonies and in Peruvian jungles, through many layers of personal and spiritual transformation.
She receives guidance through lucid dreams, while continuing to learn from nature and grow in her service to Mother Earth and all life.
Justine also is a Toloache brand and web designer, content creator and social media magician.
At the House of Toloache we collaborate with those who share our values and vision.
They are our teachers, friends and colleagues, who we deeply respect and love.
They are shamans, mystics and medicine people from all around the world,
who help us share the wisdom and medicine of different traditions with our tribe.